Star Light Star Bright
"Star Light Star Bright" is a public pavilion inspired by the cross-cultural tradition of Wish Trees. Visitors are invited to tie ribbons representing their hopes and desires, and as each ribbon is added, the pavilion’s fluffy fluorescent winter coat grows outward like a neon Chia Pet. This vibrant display highlights thousands of individual aspirations and collectively serves as a showcase of the universal hopes that connect us all.
The project’s star-shaped perimeter is designed to create open pockets of space that are conducive to exploring the vast number of wish ribbons, while the undulating ridge line rises and dips to open up views into and out of the pavilion. With a steel frame lined by 1,200 colorful chains, there are over 75,000 individual links for easily tying personalized wish ribbons.
“Star Light Star Bright” will be open to the public until January 14th at 140 Broadway in Downtown New York City. This project was made possible with the support of the Alliance for Downtown New York.