Height Field
Each year, Brooklyn Community Services holds an anniversary gala to thank employers who hire people with disabilities. Like countless other events, these parties had been fairly generic; consisting of open bars, hors d'oeuvres, seating and tables, all underneath the ubiquitous white party tent. To us, it was especially ironic that an event which honors the employment of disabled people did not seek to use their skills in the event itself. As an alternative to the tent approach, we proposed to work together with the disabled staff and create a canopy installation for the event – one that would make the night unique and memorable by showcasing what the disabled clients can contribute when asked to become involved.
The canopy consisted of 4000 cardboard tubes suspended at varying heights throughout the event space. Spaced at 1 foot increments, the tubes filled the room carving out different spaces for bars, seating, auction tables, and stage. The sheer size of the installation, and its sculptural quality helped to downscale the large event space into an intimate and playful experience for guests. At the end of the night, the entire installation was deconstructed and delivered to a paper fiber recycling company for re-purposing.
( Collaboration with David Lage of Lage Architecture )